End-to-End Solutions At the Best Price

Try all our features for 14 days for free and without limits.

No credit card required for membership!


Per User Monthly

189 / Monthly
  • All Modules Included
  • Weekly Version Updates

    DinamikCRM is regularly updated, and the latest versions are automatically applied to user accounts.

  • Online Chat (With Ads)
  • Extra Feature Request
  • Phone + WhatsApp Support


Per User Semi-Annual

945 / 6 Monthly
  • All Modules Included
  • Weekly Version Updates

    DinamikCRM is regularly updated, and the latest versions are automatically applied to user accounts.

  • Online Chat (With Ads)
  • Extra Feature Request
  • Phone + WhatsApp Support


Per User Annual

1.890 / Annual
  • All Modules Included
  • Weekly Version Updates

    DinamikCRM is regularly updated, and the latest versions are automatically applied to user accounts.

  • Online Chat (With Ads)
  • Extra Feature Request
  • Phone + WhatsApp Support

Main Features



Tailored CRM

Advanced Reporting Screens

Weekly Version Updates

CRM Installation on a Custom Domain

Private Cloud Server Service

Customizable Modules

Special Integration Requests

Company-Specific CRM Training

Tailored CRM

Customized CRM Experience Based on Your Business Plan

In addition to screens that include all DinamikCRM modules, it offers a customized CRM experience tailored to the business structure of companies.

Get a Custom CRM Quote

By filling out the form below, you can tell us your needs and receive a custom CRM quote.

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Frequently Asked Questions

For Those Wondering Where Should I Start?

Do you have questions about DinamikCRM? Not sure where to start? Check out our frequently asked questions.

DinamikCRM is a Cloud CRM application that enhances business efficiency and simplifies your daily tasks.

Yes, the 14-day trial of DinamikCRM is completely free.

If you are satisfied with the 14-day trial, you can make your payment during the subscription process via credit card, wire transfer, or EFT. Credit card payments are processed through the iyzico joint payment system, and your card information is not stored.

No, you do not need to provide your credit card details for the trial.

Our Customer Service team is available to provide unlimited and free support throughout your DinamikCRM subscription. You can contact us by sending an email to info@dinamikcrm.com, creating a support request, or calling 0850 255 15 78 between 08:00 – 17:00 on weekdays.

Yes, your personal data is protected under the “KVKK” assurance. For more detailed information, please click here.
Yes, our DinamikAcademy website contains many written explanations and training videos about the CRM module. To access the usage videos, please click here.
Yes, DinamikCRM has mobile applications for both iOS and Android.
DinamikCRM can work with many service providers. For more information about the providers we integrate with, please click here.